Situational Awareness / Psychological Profiling Training – Tampa
In light of the recent attacks in Nevada, Texas, France, UK, Orlando, NYC and worldwide, the recurring episodes of church shootings and workplace/venue/cinema/school violence in the US, we’ve come to the realization that in a sense, we are all responsible for our own safety.
What exactly is “situational awareness”? It’s “paying attention” to what is going on around you. It’s more than that, but the basic definition is the ability to scan the environment and sense danger, while maintaining the ability to conduct normal activities. In other words, to pay attention to your surroundings while not appearing to be paying attention.
Psychological profiling, also known as behavioral, criminal personality, and criminal profiling, is a method used to both recognize and develop profiles for murders, rapists, and other violent criminals. This tool, used by law enforcement agencies, helps to identify likely suspects by analyzing patterns that may predict future offenses and/or victims (predictive offender profiling).
You assess the current situation and people around you by gathering information, processing that information, and then figuring out if action is required. Situational awareness can help you avoid a confrontation, fight or other harmful situation. Not only can situational awareness save your own life, but also other innocent lives around you. The military, the government, law enforcement agencies and self-defense experts all train, use, and practice situational awareness.
Developing awareness is a skill and our Situational Awareness Training give you the skill sets that last a lifetime. At first it will seem very awkward and self-conscious, but with practice, it will become seamless and subconscious. You will start to pick up on more and more subtle rings of disturbance and more complex stimuli from the world around you. Eventually, some people may even think you are psychic as they begin to notice how you seem to sense events before they unfold.
This is 3-4 hour class depending on class size and focus.
Tuition: $150