Happy Veterans Day! We Honor You and Thank You!
“In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I, then known as “the Great War.”
Commemorated in many countries as Armistice Day the following year, November 11th became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became known as Veterans Day.”
To our Past and our Current Veterans – We thank you. We honor you. We salute you. We are grateful for you. We appreciate you. You will never be forgotten!
We at ESS Academy truly understand the sacrifices made throughout our nations history, it’s present and it’s future. Our company exists because of those sacrifices and the love of Jesus. Without those two things, you would not be reading this. Our gratitude flows outward to you so in turn positivity and alignment with Christ becomes our only focus. Please thank a Veteran anytime you see them. They are one of the short list of reasons you are here today.
Again, from our hearts to yours – THANK YOU!
We do have some exciting things on the horizon and wish we can begin training with you! Check out some of these clips – we think you will be thoroughly impressed!